Policy in Perspective: The Future of Family Caregiving

Policy in Perspective: The Future of Family Caregiving

In new podcast, Lipson explores progress, challenges in relieving burdens of family caregivers.
Oct 01, 2015

Debra LipsonWith millions of Americans providing long-term services and supports for older or disabled family members, policymakers face increasing pressure to help offset the substantial financial, physical, and emotional costs of family caregiving. In a podcast interview and a newly published book chapter, Debra Lipson, a Mathematica Policy Research senior fellow, examines the political and economic forces that have shaped policymaking on family caregiving over the past two decades and identifies key areas for potential progress.

Lipson discusses her research on Mathematica’s new podcast, “Policy in Perspective.” Use the audio player below to listen now or to download the episode.

Lipson is the author of “The Policy and Political Environment of Family Caregiving: A Glass Half Full,” a chapter in the new book Family Caregiving in the New Normal, in which leading health policy researchers provide a roadmap of current challenges and possible solutions in this critical policy area.

A fact sheet summarizing Lipson’s review of federal policy on family caregiving is also available.


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