Working Toward Success: Current Evidence on Employment Outcomes for People with Disabilities

Working Toward Success: Current Evidence on Employment Outcomes for People with Disabilities

Published: Sep 01, 2015
Publisher: In Working Toward Success: Special Journal Edition of Disability Policy Studies, vol. 26, no. 2 (subscription required), edited by Yonatan Ben-Shalom and David Wittenburg

David C. Wittenburg

There has been a long-standing interest by policymakers in ways to reverse the declining rates of employment and high poverty rates of people with disabilities (Burkhauser & Stapleton, 2003; Burkhauser & Daly, 2012; Stapleton, 2011; Stapleton & Livermore, 2011). Despite this interest, relatively little is known about the characteristics of employed people with disabilities and how their experiences compare with those without disabilities. For instance, there is relatively limited information on factors that differentiate those who are employed from those who are not, such as demographic characteristics, their use of services and supports, and their career trajectories. Information on these issues would aid policymakers in designing targeted policies and programs to help workers with disabilities stay in the labor force, increase their earnings, lead more fulfilling lives, and reduce reliance on government support.

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